Reaching an ever-changing world with God's never-changing Word.

Welcome to Prince of Peace Lutheran Church. We are a warm and welcoming body of believers that live out and embrace the concept of being a church family. United through the blood of Jesus Christ, we strive to be a place where true fellowship takes place and the body of Christ is present. Finally, we seek to be a congregation founded on the Word of God as our authority where the preaching and teaching of God’s Word builds and encourages the faith of each person who attends. Come and join us to see first hand what the Lord is doing in our midst.


  • Join us for Worship on Sundays at 9:00am!

    We would love to have you join us on Sunday mornings to worship with us onsite but if you are unable to do so, please join us online on our youtube channel

  • Stay for Sunday School!

    Come and join us for Sunday School at 10:30am after the worship service and fellowship! We have Sunday School classes for ages 4 through adult!

  • Clarity Amidst Confusion: Thriving as a Christian Family in Uncertain Times

    This workshop is for parents, grandparents, youth workers or any adult who wants to know how to nurture our youth in today's world. If this workshop is for you, come join us on Saturday, October 5th and hear Dr. Wade and Michele Mobley speak to some of the hard issues our children are facing today and how to raise them with Christian values. This workshop is free and open to the public, so bring your friends! For more information, see our Facebook page and look for the flyer or call the church office at (701) 873-5650.