About Us
Prince of Peace began in the spring of 1993, when a small group of committed Christians met to consider forming a Lutheran church that believes the Bible is the inerrant word of God. With the help of the Home Missions Department of the Association of Free Lutheran Congregations (AFLC), Prince of Peace was formed. The charter membership in 1994 totaled 30 faithful members. Pastor John Mundfrom was installed as the first full time pastor on August 27th, 1995. Attendance at that time averaged 30-50.
By 1999, membership had dwindled with some people leaving the area and in the summer of 2000 Pastor Mundfrom accepted a call to a church in Oregon. With fewer and fewer members and no full time pastor, there were discussions over the next several years as to if Prince of Peace could continue. During this time there were several laymen who would bring the messages on Sundays. Three of these men, Rich Ramsbacher, Shane McLoughlin, and Dean Iverson went on to become students at the AFLC seminary in Minneapolis. All three are now serving as pastors in AFLC churches. It is a blessing to see how God used Prince of Peace during it’s time of struggle to spark a call to the ministry for these three men.
By 2003, God was working in the hearts of many more people in the area to become part of a congregation that would stand firm on His word as revealed in the Holy Bible. Attendance at worship when from 12 the first Sunday in November, to over 150 by the end of November, 2003. Pastor Kris Nyman accepted a call to become the 2nd full time pastor that same month. Pastor Kris served our congregation faithfully through November of 2014 and has moved on to shepherd a home missions congregation in Maryland.
In March, 2004 we purchased the former “Man Camp Mess Hall” (Jerry’s furniture building) to serve as a “home” for the growing congregation that the Lord had blessed us with. God has allowed us to transform the facility into a very comfortable place to worship, learn, and fellowship. We have eleven rooms to meet in for Bible classes, a fellowship hall to seat over 200, and a sanctuary that can seat more than 400. The youth have a dedicated meeting and activity area with their own kitchen – called “The Warehouse.” A large modern kitchen off of the fellowship hall was completed in 2006. It is well equipped to serve large gatherings. Renovations to our Sanctuary have been completed. Please join us for worship!
Pastor Kent Sperry accepted the Lord’s call to be our Pastor in April of 2015 and we are excited to have him, his wife Cheri and their children as part of our church family.
Cody Halverson is our Youth Director. We are looking forward to what the Lord has planned for Cody and for our youth! Cody brings his wife, Sierra, to this ministry as well.
Darcee Wenning, serving as our office secretary and church coordinator, continues to be a blessing to our congregation as it continues to grow!
Our prayer is that we continue to remain true to our mission statement adopted in 2009:
Reaching an ever-changing world with God’s never-changing Word